07 October 2012

Welcome and orientation meeting

Last Friday our speaking assistant and me, as coordinator have attended the Welcome and orientation meeting in Santiago. New ways of teaching, new ideas, more helpful resources were shown in this meeting. I hope you could notice it in our work.


You can review vocabulary and enjoy with this HANGMAN GAME        

02 October 2012

Rachel is back! Our speaking assistant is at school again! She has just arrived from Indiana, in the United States of America. We miss her a lot and we are very happy to have her between us!
Hi,4th level kids! We are learning some new things and revewing others. Now it´s time to practice and review about:
- alphabet. 
- Can you spell your name?
- There is/there are
- Numbers 10-100
- Days of the week - How many...?
Click in the blue words, some exercises are ready for you.
Hi, 3rd level kids!
We have been learning about:
- greetings
- numbers from 1-20
- colours
- Is it a pen? Yes, it is./No, it isn't
- Months of the year.
- When's your birthday?
- What´s your name?
- How old are you?

Now it´s time for practise and review. You can practise some exercices clicking here